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Turning your Aga Range Cooker off for the Summer?

The sun has arrived, it's warm, dry and you are eyeing the BBQ warily - it could be time to turn your cooker off for the summer! Not everyone does of course but if you take this option to save a few quids on your fuel bill then there are a few things to consider.

What to do after your Cooker Has Been Switched Off

  • On all cookers it's a good idea to allow air to circulate under the lids while the cooker is off. If not you can get a little condensation that can rust the hotplate surface the the iron expansion rings around them. When your cooker has cooled completely use a little kitchen roll with olive oil it and wipe a thin coating across the hotplate and expansion rings to protect it. Now find an old pencil, snap it in half and pop each under the front of each lid to raise it very slightly. This will let air circulate without looking ugly! 
  • It's much easier to clean a cold Aga range cooker so while it is off consider giving it a good scrub. Not sure how? Find out more >
  • Similarly how about touching those chips on the enamel? Find our repair kits here.
  • Cold Aga range cookers can become a bit of extra storage space in the summer and get all sorts of things dumped on them that would normally melt! Protect the surface and lid tops with a set of chef pads or consider leaving a drying rack on.
  • Why not organise your service? Gas Aga range cookers MUST be serviced every year and oil ones often a little more frequently than that, summer is a perfect time to do this as if any problems crop up you won't be too devastated to have the cooker off for a little while! 

I hope this is useful, do get in touch if you have any questions!

For more helpful tips and advice on your cooker, take a look at our ultimate guide to Aga range cookers or browse our online shop here!

Turning your Aga range cooker off for the summer
