Alex has taken a short break on a canal boat somewhere in the south East, look out for him, he'll be the smily fella in a captains hat {possibly!}. We spotted a few apples on his desk, a little bruised, and in need of eating.
With many willing appetites in the office and feeling compelled to not let the apples go to waste I set to turning a favourite savoury recipe of mine into a sweet {ish} breakfast dish.
There are many flatbread recipes out there, but I like a simple equal parts greek {style} yogurt and good quality plain flour mix. Add to that a teaspoon or two of baking powder and you have a great base. I often roll mine really thin at home to hold pickled cabbage and chickpeas with chicken. But I wanted to see if they worked in a lightly spiced sweet style.
I used one of our WOLL pans, taking the handle off and warming through in the oven so that it was ready to go, and nice and hot when moved to the plate. Only took 3-4 mins to get hot.

This is our
WOLL Saute pan, and worked a treat at evenly browning the apples, sugar and butter. I mixed this all together first before putting it in the pan, for more even coating. We used setting 6 for this whole dish, plenty hot enough! No need for full heat, save a little money.
{see Electrikit best practice}

On setting 6, the flatbreads took around 4 mins each {flipping as needed}
What I used for 4 large flatbreads {you'll need more fruit than I had from Alex's desk. In the photo, served up, were 4 apples}
300g of the best plain flour that you can buy
a pinch of salt {if savoury}
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1-2 heaped dessert spoons of caster sugar
spices to taste, I used a heaped teaspoon of half cinnamon and half nutmeg.
Mixed spice and raisins would make this so seasonal for easter, like a hot cross flatbread!