Links for reference...

Early last week the second vehicle, a red Mitsubishi Shogun 4x4, purchased with your generous donations arrived in Ukraine. Driven this time by volunteers Shane and Rory, who also covered the transport costs (an extraordinary gesture given diesel, flight and train prices) the car was delivered packed to the roof, literally!, with the below supplies.
The car is for the mobility and safety of the unit to which Anton, friend of Daria, belongs. The Ukrainian territorial army lacks vehicles to move these brave chaps around and evacuate them in case of emergency.
These were specifically requested by Roman Kholodov and his team.
- 372 nappies
- 700 adult incontinence pads
- 60kg baby formula
- 20,000 wet wipes
- 6000 medical gauze sponges
In addition a specialist surgical kit sent to us by Simon P, an NHS surgeon, was donated to an ambulance unit of Ukraines territorial defence forces.
In addition to all this one of our staff, Peter, is currently sheltering a Ukrainian family in his home. The family in question had left grandparents, too old to travel, in Mykolaiv near the front line in Southern Ukraine. We were able to deliver a care package to them direct from their children in Ludlow.
I'm enormously proud Daria and her efforts, alongside a busy term at Cambridge, to organise the transfer - even in wartime bureaucracy can be complex - without Daria this would have been impossible!
You've all been so wonderful and we've now raised approx £28,000 from Just Giving, Blake & Bulls own contribution and a generous direct gift from the Townsend family of Winsley. We have over £7,000 in the fundraiser still and are planning our next move!
If supporting this sort of direct help is something you can do more of then your help is appreciated but I understand that I have asked a lot of our loyal customers already!