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Surface heat reductions from our DIY refurb & insulation kit for use with Aga range cookers

A bit technical this sorry! Mr C got in touch after fitting our mini-refurb kit and insulation upgrade. The perfectly functional line drawing is his! "...the top drawing is a plan view of the top, the second is the front, the numbers are the temperatures recorded with a laser thermometer when we moved in. The third and fourth drawings are the same points measured after fitting your DIY mini refurb kit. Judging by the drop in external temperatures our [cooker] was very unloved and since fitting the new insulation we have been able to turn the gas down a lot, so hopefully we are much more efficient."

Some rough calculations here, literally on the back of an envelope!, reveal that Mr C has cut the surface temperature on the top by 13.18% and the surface temperatures on the front by an average 19.06%. Less heat out means less heat in and less fuel used. This sort of thing makes me unreasonably happy!

>>See our insulation upgrade kit for use with Aga range cookers kit here or our full range of DIY kits for range cookers.

Surface temperature readings of Aga range cooker

Insulation inside Aga range cooker

Matthew Bates

Matthew Bates

Matthew is from a farming family near Bath and a graduate of King's College London who decided not to follow the 'standard' path into banking or the law. He has been working with these fabulous cookers in some form or another since 2003. Matthew runs Blake and Bull from beautiful Bradford on Avon, near Bath. Alf the golden retriever makes sure the working day finishes at 6pm sharp - dog walk time!
