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How to make Yorkshire puddings in an Aga range cooker | Full recipe


Recipe Name:  How to make Yorkshire puddings in an Aga range cooker

Prep Time: 45 Mins

Cook time: 20 Mins

Makes: 1 Hearty Roast Dinner Portion
Description:  Follow these instructions and, just like my roast potato recipe, you'll get the best Yorkshires you'll ever have made in your cooker. Maybe (the horror!) you disagree? Send me an e-mail and I shall test your way and report back!


  • 4 large eggs (good ones!)
  • An equal volume of milk (are you dairy free like my wife? Almond or oat milk works fine! At home we use 'Provitamil'; it's creamy and hard to distinguish from dairy milk!)
  • 150 grams plain flour
  • A BIG pinch of salt (I'm a convert to Himalayan mountain salt, the pink stuff, try it!)
  • Suggested Cookware

  • A good sturdy tin that can hold some heat and has deep 'wells' for the Yorkies, we'll have hot oil in them! We sell the perfect tray (of course!) for making Yorkshire puds in your range cooker.
  • A liner for the base of your oven to catch drips and oil splashes
  • Method:

  • The trick is to use an equal volume of milk and egg. Crack the eggs into a mug noting the level approximately. Pop the eggs into a large mixing bowl and then measure out an equal quantity of milk. Add this to your mixing bowl and then whisk in the flour until there are no lumps. It should be the consistency of double cream.
  • Now comes the crucial bit! You need to make Yorkshires in a HOT cooker so make them first. If you wait until last as with a conventional cooker then your Yorkshires will be a rather limp disappointing affair as you'll have used all the heat on the joint and roasties! Just keep them to one side when done and warm them up quickly on the base of the roasting oven when you are ready to serve! 
  • Grab your Yorkshire pudding tin, avoid floppy silicone Yorkshire trays; these are dangerous with super hot oil.
  • Fill each cup on the tin with 2-3mm of a light oil. You want something with a high smoke temperature so stick to sunflower oil or a light (cheap!) olive oil.
  • If you have two shelves (we stock the traditional kind and the anti-tilt fancy modern ones if needed) in your oven then remove one now and pop other on the middle set of runners. These Yorkshires stand tall and strong, annoying when they stick to the shelf above!
  • Pop your Yorkshire tin in the oven carefully on the runners, we want it and the oil within super hot!
  • While the tin is heating transfer your mixture from bowl to an easy pour jug. Give the tin a good 10-15mins on the base of the oven (we want it smoky/sizzly hot!) and the carefully remove (shut the range cooker door!).
  • Pour a good slug of your batter into each depression. It should sizzle as it goes into the super hot oil. Pour till the batter covers the base to a depth to a cm or so; don't overfill!  
  • As soon as you can (but carefully as the oil is HOT!) get the filled tray or trays back in the oven but on the shelf this time. 
  • Give the Yorkshires 20 mins but check at about 15 mins in case you have a super hot range cooker! Don't check too often or they'll deflate.
  • You want them totally cooked as then they'll cool with their structure intact and can be reheated to look and taste as good as fresh ones when the rest of your roast is ready.
  • If you are a soft southern chap like me (true northerners eat Yorkies as a starter!) the only problem with pre-cooking Yorkshire puddings is that there are rarely any left by the time you sit down to eat! 

    >>Looking for cooking equipment for your range cooker? Blake & Bull offer a selection of roasting tins, cookware and non-stick products that can help! 
