The Company is in Liquidation and that Richard Easterby and Chris Newell of Quantuma were appointed as Joint Liquidators on 20 February 2025.

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We've built an extraordinary reputation. We mean to keep it.

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We add recipes all the time, bookmark your favourites!

"Who needs an electric propagator. . ?"

I was so pleased to hear from Sonja last week, and very happy to see one of our drying racksin action helping to give her seedlings the best of starts!

How to dry your laundry on an aga range cooker racks rails and ladders suitable for drying your laundry and wet washing on an Aga range cooker made in the Uk by Blake And Bull  Seed propagation on an Aga range cooker using a drying rack

"I wanted to share with you, my annual bedding plant seeds getting off to a good start in life . . . who needs an electric propagator. . ? This was how my Mum did her seeds for many, many years and when we got her the rack it made it even easier to use the Aga range cooker heat. I'll keep you posted on seed progress and the final outcome of how they look in the garden in summer - we live in Shetland so gardening can be a bit challenging at times !☺" Sonja

YES! please do keep us up to date with the seedling's progress through the season, I cannot wait to see how they get on! I had hoped that our racks would be used this way, one of 10 ways that I can think of to get the most out of your rack!..

Here are our 'Drying Rack Top Tips' -

  1. When drying washing on your rack, fold it first, saves on ironing (if you do it)
  2. If you are off on a winter walk, lay your scarves, welly socks, gloves and hats out on the rack to warm through before you leave!
  3. Kiddy craft? Use our rack to dry paintings, papier mâché, découpage and much more!
  4. Dry citrus peel slowly on it, rested on greaseproof paper, to make a natural kindling, pine cones work too! 
  5. Dry out kindling sticks, ready for a warming winter fire.
  6. Lay your washing-up on it, to air dry. Or bits from the dishwasher that haven't steam dried, lay a t-towel down first. 
  7. The flat surface is great for drying bulkier items slowly, like pillows, duvets folded, cat & dog beds - we have even seen a horse blanket being done this way!
  8. Slow dry your glut of summer herbs for the winter months on parchment. 
  9. Dry seeds from the garden and store for the next season - free flowers! On the top layer, not too hot.
  10. Try Propagating seeds in trays on your rack or pot shelf, if they require a heated propagator you could save money and energy this way! 
  11. Dry your delicate woollens - after hand washing let them drip dry flat on our rack, over the bath (or kitchen sink if using a Half Size Drying Rack), then easily transfer the rack to the top of your range for the last drying stage.



Katy Boys

Katy Boys

Katy is a rural girl at heart. She loves long walks, home cooking, paddling in rivers, warm fires and socks and stomping in leaves with her children. After studying ‘drawing stuff’ at university in Bath, Katy spent 10 years selling wares and managing folk at Habitat in Bath. Welcoming children into her world prompted her to return to drawing things, people and places from home. This led her to us at Blake & Bull and the rest is history. She draws our stuff, provides cuddles for the office dog, and is here to chat to you lovely lot.
