The Company is in Liquidation and that Richard Easterby and Chris Newell of Quantuma were appointed as Joint Liquidators on 20 February 2025.

Any party adversely affected by our closure should, in the first instance, address their questions to the following dedicated mailbox

Quantuma will aim to provide an initial response to questions within 48h of receipt

We've built an extraordinary reputation. We mean to keep it.

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"The Cherry On The Cake" - A Blake & Bull Re-Conditioned Story

At the beginning of the year we were delighted to refurbish and install this mint green e-cook reconditioned 4 oven Aga range cooker. 

The Kitchen was bare when we were on site, the kitchen fitters were just getting started. 

A reconditioned Aga range cooker installation By Blake & Bull UK

Just as the plants seen through the window have grown and bloomed in the time since we left, as has the kitchen. Our welcoming and happy host Stephanie has pulled together an inspirational kitchen! 

A reconditioned and restored Aga range cooker installation by Blake and Bull A mint green aga  range cooker hand painted wall tiles

I particularly like the soft modern curves and wide under sink drawers {you could sleep in them!} combined with the natural baskets and handmade touches. Are you 'eyeing up' the tiled splash back? I had to ask Stephanie where she sourced it!

A reconditioned and restored Aga range cooker installation by Blake and Bull A mint green aga  range cooker hand painted wall tiles

Stephanie made the tiles herself. By Choosing neutral tiles she was able to treat them like a blank canvas and create the unique tile installation herself.

"..with China paints that are fired in the oven once painted. I lay out the tiles draw with a china graph pencil paint and fire them"

I love the playfulness and informality of it! Hare detailing throughout the room gently ties the theme together, how many can you spot!? 

Her colour choice {from our 38} was mint green, it is a happy colour and used very well here. 

"We are both delighted,.. it is wonderful, it’s the cherry on the cake, I love it." Stephanie

< More on our installation services, and of course if you have an Aga already it could be restored to look this good!  

Katy Boys

Katy Boys

Katy is a rural girl at heart. She loves long walks, home cooking, paddling in rivers, warm fires and socks and stomping in leaves with her children. After studying ‘drawing stuff’ at university in Bath, Katy spent 10 years selling wares and managing folk at Habitat in Bath. Welcoming children into her world prompted her to return to drawing things, people and places from home. This led her to us at Blake & Bull and the rest is history. She draws our stuff, provides cuddles for the office dog, and is here to chat to you lovely lot.
