The Company is in Liquidation and that Richard Easterby and Chris Newell of Quantuma were appointed as Joint Liquidators on 20 February 2025.

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We've built an extraordinary reputation. We mean to keep it.

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Sustainable & affordable. Electric Aga cookers look, feel and cook like Aga cookers.

Your new cooker. 101 new parts, 8 restored, 17 re-enamelled. 30 hours dedicated by 8 craftsmen and 28 painstaking checks once it is hand built in your kitchen. Not a second choice, not reconditioned. Re-manufactured. Only from Blake & Bull.

A 5 year parts & labour warranty backed by our 40 strong team across the UK. Peace of mind.

Family owned, we think in generations not financial quarters. We've built an extraordinary reputation, we mean to keep it.

Proper cast iron cooking, sustainable reuse

We use only use cast iron parts made to the higher standards of days past in the, now sadly closed, Coalbrookdale foundry. Those parts are shot blasted back to a 'like new' condition in our own facility. Exterior castings, the front and doors for example, are enamelled in exactly the same way as when they were new. Proper vitreous enamel in 63 colours including all the official options.

The cast iron in a Blake & Bull remanufactured Aga range cooker has a past and stories to tell. Melting cast iron to recycle it is tremendously energy intensive, far better to reuse parts for their original purpose. True sustainability.

See our Aga cookers in person

25,638 reviews (& counting)

We've built an extraordinary reputation over 20 years, thousands of refurbished Aga cookers and hundreds of thousands of orders. We mean to keep it.

Enamel samples for buying an Aga

More Colour Choice

At Blake & Bull we offer every colour ever made, in the same vitreous enamel, plus a few more! 'Porcini' and 'Oak Moss' are just 2 of our Blake & Bull exclusive enamel colours. We can even create a unique shade just for you.

Get the right colour for your Aga cooker with an enamel sample tile. Perfectly sized to help you plan your kitchen. It's amazing how much a colour can change under different lighting and having a physical tile will give you the best idea of what the heart of your home might look like in situ.

Reconditioned Aga Cookers: Join The Green Acceleration

Our electric Aga cookers already run on 40% renewable power. The best thing? This gets better every year without you doing anything at all.

Running an electric cooker is twice as sustainable than it was as recently as 2012. By 2035 your cooker will be 100% sustainable and running on carbon free electricity. Find out more.

New Aga cookers use some recycled iron, this takes a LOT of energy. We restore original castings, re-enamelled as new, to create truly sustainable cookers.

Every cooker at Blake & Bull is part of our sustainable 'infinite loop'. The energy, carbon and history embedded in them carry on forever. Already have an Aga cooker? It will join our 'loop'. Trade in your Aga cooker with us.

Flexible Electric Control

Blake & Bull reconditioned Aga cookers are powered by the Electrikit or eControl system (we'll help you choose). Both multi element systems, the gold standard for energy efficiency, they cook in the same way using radiant heat from the original cast iron ovens.

Electric elements exactly where the heat is needed mean independently controlled ovens and hotplates.

In summer use a single hotplate for a stir fry, then turn off. In winter leave the ovens on for warmth. You have control of convenience vs cost.

Heat to the room

Our electric Aga cookers give as much heat, or as little, as you'd like into your kitchen.

Blake & Bull founder Mattthew's cooker normally goes off after supper but cools slowly keeping the kitchen warm into the morning AND drying a load of washing. It goes back on when he makes his morning coffee and keeps the ground floor of the house warm all day. A cold conventional cooker it is not!

How Much do Blake & Bull Agas Cost?

Electric Aga FAQs

Start the journey

"Click below to enquire, our simple form gathers the info we'll need to make everything involved in buying an Aga cooker easy. Give us a little of the working day to get back to you. We're on it!

Blake & Bull is my lifes work, I'm unashamedly proud of it. I'd love you to choose us. Learn a little of our story."

Matthew, founder
