We regret to advise that with immediate effect Blake & Bull Limited has ceased trading and has instructed specialist insolvency firm Quantuma Advisory Limited to oversee the orderly closure and winding up of the business.

Any party adversely affected by our closure should, in the first instance, address their questions to the following dedicated mailbox blakeandbullenquiries@quantuma.com

Quantuma will aim to provide an initial response to questions within 48h of receipt


We've built an extraordinary reputation. We mean to keep it.

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Independent engineers

Thank you for enquiring about the servicing repair and repair of your Aga cooker. Click below to enquire and an engineer will get in touch directly.

We no longer offer this service ourselves. As gas and oil cookers have become harder to support (is the national gas valve issue affecting your cooker?) we have take the decision to focus entirely on electric Aga cookers. We convert oil and gas cookers to electric and sell remanufactured cookers.

Peace of mind, up to 5 years warranty

You can't buy new oil or gas Aga range cookers anymore but don't need to buy a new cooker to go electric.

We're independent specialists and can convert any Aga range cooker to electricity in a single day. Our 40+ strong team has led the rush to electric for 8 years, over a third of cookers nationwide run on electric now. We convert many hundreds more every year.

Would you like a cooker that gets more sustainable every year? Convert now using interest free finance, save money, and the planet, forever.

Call 01225 434500 now to discuss converting your Aga to electric

25,347 reviews (and counting)

We've built an extraordinary reputation over 20 years, thousands of Aga cookers and hundreds of thousands of orders. We mean to keep it.

Enquire about conversion

"Worried about coming down to a cold kitchen on frosty mornings? My cooker goes off after supper but cools slowly keeping the kitchen warm into the morning AND drying a load of washing. It goes back on when I make my morning coffee. It's ready for baking in a couple of hours and keeps the ground floor of my house warm all day. A cold conventional cooker it is not!

Click below to enquire, our simple form gathers the info we'll need to make it easy. It's not automated, we're not that clever, so give us a little of the working day to get back to you. We're on it!

Blake & Bull is my lifes work, I'm unashamedly proud of it. I'd love you to choose us."

Matthew, founder(learn a little of our story)
